Introductory Questions

1. My name is Mia Harris and I'm a junior majoring in Communication Design.

2. I have a background in fine art and graphic/digital design. I've been making art for as long as I can remember and I became interested specifically in graphic design in 11th grade when I took a graphic design class as a prerequisite for AP 2D art. I'm mostly taking this class because it is a requirement for the Communication Design BFA program. However, I also am excited to be able to learn how to code a website because I think it is a really important skill to have as a graphic designer.

3. The HTML/CSS/JS experience I have is from an introductory computer science class I took in the fall of 11th grade and also from the beginning of this class last semester (I ended up dropping it because I was enrolled in a lot of classes and got really busy).

4. I want to learn how to design and code the layout of a website!

5. As a Communication Design major, I am used to designing on the screen. From this, I know that dimensions and scale are much different on the screen than on paper.

6. I personally love the website Studio Montazami. I think the layout and transitions in it are really cool and it's interesting to navigate.

7. I think The Animal Pad's website communicates things effectively. The tabs make it easy to navigate the subtopics on the weboage and everything is easily accessible to the user.

8. I love the Florence website and think it works well. The site is simple yet exciting to navigable, and it utilizes a grid format.