Introductory Questions

1. My name is Mia Harris and I'm a senior majoring in Communication Design.

2. I have a background in fine art and graphic/digital design. I've been making art for as long as I can remember and I became interested specifically in graphic design in 11th grade when I took a graphic design class as a prerequisite for AP 2D art. I'm mostly taking this class because it is a requirement for the Communication Design BFA program. However, I also am excited to be able to learn how to code a website because I think it is a really important skill to have as a graphic designer.

3. The HTML/CSS/JS experience I have is from an introductory computer science class I took in the fall of 11th grade.

4. I want to learn how to design and code the layout of a website!

5. As a Communication Design major, I am used to designing on the screen. From this, I know that dimensions and scale are much different on the screen than on paper.

6. I think The Animal Pad's website is an example of effective design. The tabs make it easy to navigate the subtopics on the weboage and everything is easily accessible to the user.

7. I think the website Instructables exemplifies effective communication. Though it may not be very aesthetically pleasing, everything is laid out in a navigatable way and the information on the site is able to be found quite easily.

8. I love the In Form Library website and think it works well. The site is simple yet exciting to navigate, and it utilizes a grid format, which makes it pleasing to the eye.